PP061 Direct Cost Of Physiotherapeutic Devices Judicialization In Brazil

Moraes, Dominique
Tarbes, Luciana
Veras, Bruna de
Santos, Marisa
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International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
INTRODUCTION: The “Judicialization of health” is a judicial option, provided by the Brazilian constitution, which aims to guarantee the access of the population to healthcare products or services to which they were denied or that were otherwise unavailable on the Unified Health System (SUS) (1). This highlights deficiencies in public policies (2). Considering the progressive impact of the judicialization on the budget and the lack of real-world evidence on the subject, the objective was to describe the judicialization profile of physiotherapeutic devices in the city of Rio de Janeiro and to estimate the spending on them within the system. METHODS: The profile was traced based on the analysis of the processes (n = 243) submitted to the Technical Advice Unit of the Rio de Janeiro Justice Court between May 2013 and September 2015, which litigated the provision of physiotherapeutic devices. Direct cost information was obtained from both public and private sources. The analysis was carried out using the SUS perspective. RESULTS: About 63 percent of the patients were over 60 years old. The majority of the requests were due to chronic respiratory diseases, the most common being obstructive sleep apnea-syndrome (31 percent), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (14 percent) and pulmonary fibrosis (11 percent). The most judicialized devices were continuous positive airway pressure (21 percent), oxygen concentrator (17 percent) and portable oxygen cylinder (13 percent). None of these devices are currently covered by SUS. The expenses related to the purchase of the devices pleaded was approximately USD812,500 over 29 months. CONCLUSIONS: The total spend on these devices were considered very high when compared to Rio de Janeiro's health budgetary capacity. This scenario could be worse if this type of demand were not planned, and needed to be accomplished quickly with urgent purchases. The results obtained shows that judicialization phenomenon has a meaningful impact on the economic viability of the Brazilian healthcare system.
Moraes D, Tarbes, L, Veras B, Santos M. PP061 Direct Cost Of Physiotherapeutic Devices Judicialization In Brazil. Inter J Tech Assess Health Care. 2017;33(Suppl S1):99-100. Doi: 10.1017/S0266462317002409.