Aquisição de medicamentos para a Doença de Alzheimer no Brasil: uma análise no sistema federal de compras, 2008 a 2013
Aquisição de medicamentos para a Doença de Alzheimer no Brasil: uma análise no sistema federal de compras, 2008 a 2013
Costa, Roberta Dorneles Ferreira da
Osorio-de-Castro, Claudia Garcia Serpa
Silva, Rondineli Mendes da
Maia, Aurélio de Araújo
Ramos, Mariana de Carvalho Barbosa
Caetano, Rosângela
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Ciência e Saúde coletiva
O processo de transição demográfica brasileiro tem levado a substancial envelhecimento populacional e a aumento na prevalência de síndromes demenciais, entre as quais se destaca a Doença de Alzheimer (DA). Desde 2002, o tratamento farmacológico da doença possui Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas (PCDT) específico e os medicamentos recomendados são de financiamento pelo Ministério da Saúde. O estudo investigou a aquisição dos medicamentos utilizados no tratamento da DA a partir do Sistema Integrado de Administração de Serviços Gerais, traçando um perfil evolutivo das quantidades adquiridas, gastos e preços praticados no período de 2008 a 2013. Foram analisados os dados relativos a todas as apresentações adquiridas, inclusive as ausentes do PCDT. Os preços unitários foram deflacionados para dezembro/2013, pelo IPCA. Foram compradas mais de 47 milhões de unidades e gastos R$ 90,1 milhões com medicamentos para DA. Destaca-se nos gastos a participação da rivastigmina em suas diversas apresentações. Medicamentos não indicados pelo PCDT representaram 3% dos gastos, com percentuais de compra associados ao atendimento de ações judiciais pouco expressivos. No período, ocorreu redução dos preços médios ponderados corrigidos de todos os medicamentos, mesmo dos não presentes no PCDT.
The demographic transition in Brazil has led to substantial aging of the population and an increased prevalence of age-related diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The Brazilian Ministry of Health finances AD medication and, since 2002, a Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines (PCDT) for this condition have been made available. This study investigated the acquisition of medication for AD in the Integrated System of Administration of General Services (SIASG) database. A profile of purchases, expenditures and prices from 2008 to 2013 was prepared. All medication and forms of treatment of AD were investigated, including those not contained in the PCDT protocol. Unit prices were deflated to December 2013 by the IPCA (Brazilian Pricing Index). More than 47 million units of medication for AD were acquired and expenditures attained 90.1 million Brazilian reals. The purchase of the various administration routes of rivastigmine were in the forefront. Medication not listed in the protocol represented 3% of expenditures and purchases resulting from health litigation were negligible. Over the period, a reduction of corrected weighted average prices of PCDT and non-PCDT medication was observed.
The demographic transition in Brazil has led to substantial aging of the population and an increased prevalence of age-related diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The Brazilian Ministry of Health finances AD medication and, since 2002, a Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines (PCDT) for this condition have been made available. This study investigated the acquisition of medication for AD in the Integrated System of Administration of General Services (SIASG) database. A profile of purchases, expenditures and prices from 2008 to 2013 was prepared. All medication and forms of treatment of AD were investigated, including those not contained in the PCDT protocol. Unit prices were deflated to December 2013 by the IPCA (Brazilian Pricing Index). More than 47 million units of medication for AD were acquired and expenditures attained 90.1 million Brazilian reals. The purchase of the various administration routes of rivastigmine were in the forefront. Medication not listed in the protocol represented 3% of expenditures and purchases resulting from health litigation were negligible. Over the period, a reduction of corrected weighted average prices of PCDT and non-PCDT medication was observed.
Doença de Alzheimer, Gastos com medicamentos, Assistência farmacêutica, SUS, Alzheimer’s disease, Expenses on medication, Drugs, Pharmaceutical services, Brazilian Unified Health System
Costa RDF, Osorio-de-Castro CGS, Silva RM, Maia AA, Ramos MCB, Caetano R. Aquisição de medicamentos para a Doença de Alzheimer no Brasil: uma análise no sistema federal de compras, 2008 a 2013. Ciênc. saúde coletiva [Internet]. 2015 Dec; 20( 12 ): 3827-3838. Doi: 10.1590/1413-812320152012.11542015.