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    Práticas cirúrgicas baseadas em evidências: apendicectomia laparoscópica versus a céu aberto
    (Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, 2008) Santos Junior, Bráulio dos; Guimarães, Carlos Alberto
    Os cirurgiões são instados a não somente ler os artigos dos periódicos, mas também a compreendê-los e analisá-los criticamente quanto à validade. Eles cuidam melhor dos seus pacientes se são capazes de analisar criticamente a literatura e aplicar os resultados a sua prática. Este é o primeiro artigo de uma série - Práticas Cirúrgicas Baseadas em Evidência - que tem por objetivo apresentar tópicos de Cirurgia Baseada em Evidências.
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    Effects of an exercise program on blood pressure in patients with treated hypertension and chronic Chagas' heart disease
    (Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2012) Oliveira, Claudia Rosa de; Sousa, Andréa Silvestre de; Santos, Bráulio; Fialho, Paloma Hargreaves; Santos. Carla Cristiane Soares dos; Oliveira, Juliana Rega de; Souza, Marcus Vinícius
    Introduction: Previous studies describe an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system in Chagas' disease causing increased sympathetic activity, which could influence the genesis of hypertension. However, patients undergoing regular physical exercise could counteract this condition, considering that exercise causes physiological responses through autonomic and hemodynamic changes that positively affect the cardiovascular system. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of an exercise program on blood pressure in hypertensive patients with chronic Chagas' heart disease. Methods: We recruited 17 patients to a 24-week regular exercise program and used ambulatory blood pressure monitoring before and after training. We determined the differences in the systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean blood pressure (MBP) from the beginning to the end of the study. Results: The blood pressures were evaluated in general and during periods of wakefulness and sleep, respectively: SBP (p = 0.34; 0.23; 0.85), DBP (p = 0.46; 0.44; 0.94) and MBP (p = 0.41; 0.30; 0.97). Conclusions: There was no statistically significant change in blood pressure after the 24-week exercise program; however, we concluded that physical training is safe for patients with chronic Chagas' disease, with no incidence of increase in blood pressure.
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    Práticas cirúrgicas baseadas em evidências: tomografia computadorizada helicoidal no diagnóstico da apendicite aguda
    (Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, 2008) Guimarães, Carlos Alberto; Santos, Bráulio dos
    Os cirurgiões são instados a não somente ler os artigos dos periódicos, mas também a compreendê-los e analisá-los criticamente quanto à validade. Eles cuidam melhor dos seus pacientes se são capazes de analisar criticamente a literatura e aplicar os resultados a sua prática. Este é o segundo artigo de uma série - Práticas Cirúrgicas Baseadas em Evidência - que tem por objetivo apresentar a avaliação crítica de um teste diagnóstico.
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    A simple protocol for tuberculin skin test reading certification
    (Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2021) Gloria, Lara de Lima; Bastos, Mayara Lisboa; Santos Jr, Bráulio dos; Trajman, Anete
    Although tuberculosis preventive therapy is one of the cornerstones for eliminating the disease, many barriers exist in the cascade of care for latent tuberculosis infection, including the need to certify healthcare professionals for reading tuberculin skin tests (TST). This paper proposes and evaluates a simple protocol for TST reading training. Primary care workers from different backgrounds received a 2-hour theoretical course, followed by a practical course on bleb reading. Blebs were obtained by injecting saline into sausages and then in volunteers. A certified trainer then evaluated the effectiveness of this protocol by analyzing the trainees' ability to read TST induration in clinical routine, blinded to each other's readings. Interobserver agreement was analyzed using the Bland-Altman test. The trainees' reading accuracy was calculated using two cut-off points - 5 and 10mm - and the effect of the number of readings was analyzed using a linear mixed model. Eleven healthcare workers read 53 saline blebs and 88 TST indurations, with high agreement for TST reading (0.07mm average bias). Sensitivity was 100% (94.6; 100.0) at 5mm cut-off and 87.3% (75.5; 94.7) at 10mm cut-off. The regression model found no effect of the number of readings [coefficient: -0.007 (-0.055; 0.040)]. A simple training protocol for reading TST with saline blebs simulations in sausages and volunteers was sufficient to achieve accurate TST induration readings, with no effect observed for the number of readings. Training with saline blebs injected into voluntary individuals is safer and easier than the traditional method.
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    Evolução para hipertensão arterial em pacientes com diabetes tipo 1
    (Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia, 2008) Cobas, Roberta; Santos, Bráulio; Braga, Luiza; Cunha, Edna Ferreira; Gomes, Marilia de Brito
    Purpose: Check the evolution of type 1(T1) diabetic patients to hypertension and prehypertension and baseline factors related to final blood pressure levels (BP). Methods: Observational study involving 127 T1 diabetic patients submitted to clinical and laboratory evaluation and followed by for 5 (2.4-9.2) years. Results: From the initially normotensive patients, 21.7% developed prehypertension, 4.7% developed hypertension and 73.6% remained with normal BP. From the prehypertensive patients, 35% returned to normal BP, 50% remained prehypertensive and 15% developed hypertension. The relative risk for hypertension development was 3.2 (0.8-12.3) in the prehypertensive compared to the normotensive group. The prevalence of prehypertension and hypertension increased from 15.7% to 26% and 0.8% to 7% respectively. Levels of serum creatinine predicted final levels of systolic and diastolic BP. Conclusion: It is emphasized the importance of renal function and BP evaluation even when they are in normal range to minimize the deleterious effects of hypertension in the development of nephropathy and cardiovascular disease.