Aplicação dos sistemas de informação em saúde no monitoramento de tecnologias incorporadas ao SUS: um estudo de caso no câncer de mama metastático
Aplicação dos sistemas de informação em saúde no monitoramento de tecnologias incorporadas ao SUS: um estudo de caso no câncer de mama metastático
Gonçalves, Débora Silva
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Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia
Introdução: Espera-se que o câncer continue como um grande problema econômico e de saúde em todo o mundo. Com exceção do câncer de pele não melanoma, o câncer de mama é o tipo mais incidente entre as mulheres em todas as regiões brasileiras. Um dos importantes Sistemas de Informação em Saúde (SIS) é o Sistema de Autorização de Alta Complexidade na Área Oncológica (SIA-APAC/ONCO). Objetivos: Analisar o perfil epidemiológico e a sobrevida de pacientes com câncer de mama metastático tratadas com trastuzumabe após sua incorporação ao SUS e também avaliar a concordância dos dados entre o SIA-APAC/ONCO e os dados do prontuário médico, no contexto de uma instituição de referência em oncologia. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo de coorte retrospectivo cuja amostra partiu do censo de todas as mulheres em uso de trastuzumabe na modalidade paliativa abrangendo o período de setembro de 2017 a agosto de 2018. Os dados foram extraídos dos prontuários e sistemas informatizados da instituição. A sobrevida global foi estimada pelo método Kaplan-Meier e comparada pelo teste de log-rank. A linguagem SQL foi utilizada para pareamento das informações. Foi adotada a estatística descritiva a fim de se obter as frequências absolutas e relativas para as análises de concordância (proporção e teste Kappa). Resultados: Foram selecionadas 136 mulheres, cuja mediana da idade ao diagnóstico foi de 51 anos (amplitude: 22-92 anos). A maioria das pacientes eram pardas e foram diagnosticadas no estádio IV. Partindo do início do uso de trastuzumabe na modalidade paliativa a mediada da SG foi de 34,03 meses e a taxa de sobrevida global em 1, 3 e 5 anos foi de 83,1 % (113), 43,4% (59) e 16,2% (22), respectivamente. Estima-se que o custo anual com trastuzumabe com base na média ponderada dos preços praticados entre 09/2017 a 08/2018 foi em média de R$:65.489,54 por paciente. Já ao considerar a média ponderada dos preços praticados em 2021 estima-se uma média anual de R$: 18.984,77, notando-se uma redução de 71% do custo com trastuzumabe. O grau de concordância entre o SIA-APAC/ONCO e o prontuário médico oscilou a depender da variável, mas foi moderada, forte ou quase perfeita para 61,53% das variáveis analisadas (8/13). Conclusão: O trastuzumabe impacta positivamente a sobrevida global do câncer de mama metastático. A expressiva redução de preço desta tecnologia nos últimos anos aumenta sua
relevância para a população. Apesar das limitações, o SIA-APAC/ONCO apresenta-se como uma importante ferramenta para auxiliar o monitoramento de tecnologias incorporadas ao SUS.
Palavras-chave: Neoplasias da Mama; Análise de Sobrevida; Trastuzumabe; Sistemas de Informação em Saúde; Qualidade, Acesso e Avaliação da Assistência à Saúde
Introduction: Cancer is expected to remain a major health and economic problem worldwide. With the exception of non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common type among women in all Brazilian regions. One of the important Health Information Systems (SIS) is the High Complexity Authorization System in the Oncology Area (SIA-APAC/ONCO). Objectives: To analyze the epidemiological profile and survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer treated with trastuzumab after its incorporation into the SUS and also to assess the agreement of the data between the SIA-APAC/ONCO and the data from the medical record, in the context of a reference institution in oncology. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was carried out by using data extracted from the institution's medical records and computerized systems. Women using trastuzumab in the palliative modality covering the period from September 2017 to August 2018 were included in this study. Overall survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test. The SQL language was used to match the information. Descriptive statistics were prepared to obtain the absolute and relative frequencies for data consistency and coverage (proportion and Kappa test). Results: 136 women were selected, whose median age at diagnosis was 51 years (range: 22-92 years). Most patients were brown and were diagnosed with stage IV cancer. From the start of trastuzumab use in the palliative modality, the median OS was 34.03 months, and the overall survival rate at 1, 3, and 5 years was 83.1% (113), 43.4% (59), and 16.2% (22), respectively. It is estimated that the annual expenditure on trastuzumab based on the weighted average of prices between 09/2017 and 08/2018 was on average R$:65,489.54 per patient. When considering the weighted average of prices practiced in 2021, an annual average of BRL: 18,984.77 is estimated, noting a 71% reduction in spending on trastuzumabe. SIA-APAC/ONCO coverage of 72 (72) treated patients and 6% (36% trastuzumab-36 doses of trastuzumab) was observed. The data consistency varied depending on the variable. Conclusion: Trastuzumab positively impacts the overall survival of metastatic breast cancer. The expressive price reduction of this technology in recent years increases its help to the population. Despite the tools incorporated into SUS/ONCO, it presents itself as an important internal tool for monitoring technologies. Keywords: Breast Neoplasms; Survival Analysis; Trastuzumab; Health Information Systems; Quality, Access, and Evaluation of Health Care
Introduction: Cancer is expected to remain a major health and economic problem worldwide. With the exception of non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common type among women in all Brazilian regions. One of the important Health Information Systems (SIS) is the High Complexity Authorization System in the Oncology Area (SIA-APAC/ONCO). Objectives: To analyze the epidemiological profile and survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer treated with trastuzumab after its incorporation into the SUS and also to assess the agreement of the data between the SIA-APAC/ONCO and the data from the medical record, in the context of a reference institution in oncology. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was carried out by using data extracted from the institution's medical records and computerized systems. Women using trastuzumab in the palliative modality covering the period from September 2017 to August 2018 were included in this study. Overall survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test. The SQL language was used to match the information. Descriptive statistics were prepared to obtain the absolute and relative frequencies for data consistency and coverage (proportion and Kappa test). Results: 136 women were selected, whose median age at diagnosis was 51 years (range: 22-92 years). Most patients were brown and were diagnosed with stage IV cancer. From the start of trastuzumab use in the palliative modality, the median OS was 34.03 months, and the overall survival rate at 1, 3, and 5 years was 83.1% (113), 43.4% (59), and 16.2% (22), respectively. It is estimated that the annual expenditure on trastuzumab based on the weighted average of prices between 09/2017 and 08/2018 was on average R$:65,489.54 per patient. When considering the weighted average of prices practiced in 2021, an annual average of BRL: 18,984.77 is estimated, noting a 71% reduction in spending on trastuzumabe. SIA-APAC/ONCO coverage of 72 (72) treated patients and 6% (36% trastuzumab-36 doses of trastuzumab) was observed. The data consistency varied depending on the variable. Conclusion: Trastuzumab positively impacts the overall survival of metastatic breast cancer. The expressive price reduction of this technology in recent years increases its help to the population. Despite the tools incorporated into SUS/ONCO, it presents itself as an important internal tool for monitoring technologies. Keywords: Breast Neoplasms; Survival Analysis; Trastuzumab; Health Information Systems; Quality, Access, and Evaluation of Health Care
Neoplasias da Mama, Análise de Sobrevida, Trastuzumabe, Sistemas de Informação em Saúde, Qualidade, Acesso e Avaliação da Assistência à Saúde, Breast Neoplasms, Survival Analysis, Trastuzumab, Health Information Systems, Quality, Access, and Evaluation of Health Care
GONÇALVES DS. Aplicação dos sistemas de informação em saúde no monitoramento de tecnologias incorporadas ao SUS: um estudo de caso no câncer de mama metastático Dissertação [Mestrado Profissional em Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde]. Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia; 2022.