Excesso de mortalidade segundo grupo de causas no primeiro ano de pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil
Excesso de mortalidade segundo grupo de causas no primeiro ano de pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil
Guimarães, Raphael Mendonça
Oliveira, Mariana Passos Ribeiro Pinto Basílio de
Dutra, Viviane Gomes Parreira
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Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia
Objetivo: Estimar o excesso de mortalidade segundo causa de óbito no Brasil e estados em 2020. Métodos: O número de
óbitos esperado foi estimado considerando análise de tendência linear com o número de mortes entre os anos de 2015 e 2019,
para cada grupo de causas e cada unidade da federação. Calculamos as razões de mortalidade padronizadas, e os intervalos
com 95% de confiança para cada SMR foram calculados assumindo uma distribuição Poisson. As análises foram realizadas no
programa R, versão 4.1.3. Resultados: Observamos um excesso de 19% nos óbitos em 2020 (SMR=1,19; IC=1,18–1,20). O grupo
de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias obteve maior destaque entre as causas definidas (SMR=4,80; IC95% 4,78–4,82). As causas
mal definidas apresentaram grande magnitude neste período (SMR=6,08; IC95% 6,06–6,10). Há, ainda, grupos que apresentaram
número de óbitos abaixo do esperado: doenças do aparelho respiratório (10% abaixo do esperado) e causas externas (4% abaixo
do esperado). Além da análise global para o país, identificamos grande heterogeneidade entre as unidades da federação. Os
estados com maiores SMR estão concentrados na região norte, e os que possuem menores SMR estão concentrados nas regiões
sul e sudeste. Conclusões: Há um excesso de mortalidade ocorrendo durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Este excesso é resultado
não apenas da COVID-19 em si, mas da resposta social e da gestão do sistema de saúde em responder a uma miríade de causas
que já possuíam um ritmo de tendência anterior a ela.
Objective: To estimate excess mortality by cause of death in Brazil and states in 2020. Methods: We estimated the expected number of deaths considering a linear trend analysis with the number of deaths between 2015 and 2019 for each group of causes and each federative unit. We calculated standardized mortality ratios (SMR) and 95% confidence intervals for each SMR assuming a Poisson distribution. We performed the analyses in the R program, version 4.1.3. Results: We observed a 19% excess in deaths in 2020 (SMR=1.19; 95%CI=1.18–1.20). The Infectious and Parasitic Diseases group stood out among the defined causes (SMR=4.80; 95%CI 4.78–4.82). The ill-defined causes showed great magnitude in this period (SMR=6.08; 95%CI 6.06–6.10). Some groups had lower-than-expected deaths: respiratory diseases (10% lower than expected) and external causes (4% lower than expected). In addition to the global analysis of the country, we identified significant heterogeneity among the federative units. States with the highest SMR are concentrated in the northern region, and those with the lowest SMR are concentrated in the southern and southeastern regions. Conclusion: Excess mortality occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic. This excess results not only from COVID-19 itself, but also from the social response and the management of the health system in responding to a myriad of causes that already had a trend pattern before it.
Objective: To estimate excess mortality by cause of death in Brazil and states in 2020. Methods: We estimated the expected number of deaths considering a linear trend analysis with the number of deaths between 2015 and 2019 for each group of causes and each federative unit. We calculated standardized mortality ratios (SMR) and 95% confidence intervals for each SMR assuming a Poisson distribution. We performed the analyses in the R program, version 4.1.3. Results: We observed a 19% excess in deaths in 2020 (SMR=1.19; 95%CI=1.18–1.20). The Infectious and Parasitic Diseases group stood out among the defined causes (SMR=4.80; 95%CI 4.78–4.82). The ill-defined causes showed great magnitude in this period (SMR=6.08; 95%CI 6.06–6.10). Some groups had lower-than-expected deaths: respiratory diseases (10% lower than expected) and external causes (4% lower than expected). In addition to the global analysis of the country, we identified significant heterogeneity among the federative units. States with the highest SMR are concentrated in the northern region, and those with the lowest SMR are concentrated in the southern and southeastern regions. Conclusion: Excess mortality occurs during the COVID-19 pandemic. This excess results not only from COVID-19 itself, but also from the social response and the management of the health system in responding to a myriad of causes that already had a trend pattern before it.
Excesso de mortalidade, Causa de morte, COVID-19, Brasil, Excess mortality, Cause of death, COVID-19, Brazil.
Guimarães RM, Oliveira MPRPB, Dutra VGP. Excesso de mortalidade segundo grupo de causas no primeiro ano de pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil [Excess mortality according to group of causes in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil]. Rev. Bras. Epidemiol. 2022;25:e220029. doi: 10.1590/1980-549720220029.2.