Compras federais de antineoplásicos no Brasil: análise do mesilato de imatinibe, trastuzumabe e L-asparaginase, 2004-2013
Compras federais de antineoplásicos no Brasil: análise do mesilato de imatinibe, trastuzumabe e L-asparaginase, 2004-2013
Moraes, Elaine Lazzaroni
Osorio-de-Castro, Claudia Garcia Serpa
Caetano, Rosângela
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Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva
Objetivo: Analisar o perfil das compras
realizadas por órgãos federais brasileiros dos antineoplásicos
mesilato de imatinibe, trastuzumabe e L-asparaginase, entre
janeiro/2004 e dezembro/2013. Métodos: Dados de compras
foram extraídos do Sistema Integrado de Administração de
Serviços Gerais-SIASG. Foram analisados: quantidade, preço
unitário, data e tipo de compra e órgão comprador. Para
permitir comparação de preços, os valores correntes foram
corrigidos para dezembro/2013, pelo IPCA. Resultados:
As quantidades adquiridas do imatinibe e trastuzumabe
aumentaram progressivamente, sendo o Ministério da
Saúde (MS) o principal comprador. Seus preços médios
ponderados (PMP) apresentaram tendência de queda.
Observou-se redução nos PMP do imatinibe, mesmo antes da
centralização da compra pelo MS. O PMP do transtuzumabe
foi reduzido em 57% após a incorporação pela CONITEC
e a centralização de compras. As quantidades e preços da
L-asparaginase variaram entre os órgãos. Diferentemente
dos outros medicamentos, verificou-se significativa
elevação de 117% no PMP da L-asparaginase, refletindo
o desabastecimento no mercado mundial. Conclusões: A
inclusão em Parcerias de Desenvolvimento Produtivo e a
centralização das compras pelo MS parecem justificar as
reduções de preço do imatinibe e trastuzumabe, reforçando
a tese do uso do poder de compra do Estado. Estas reduções
podem contribuir na ampliação de seu acesso no SUS.
Objective: To analyze the Brazilian federal procurement profile for imatinib mesylate, trastuzumab and L-asparaginase from January 2004 to December 2013. Methods: Information was extracted from the Brazilian Federal Government procurement database and included volume, unit price, date and type of purchase, government agency buyer. Prices were deflated to December 2013 by the Brazilian Pricing Index. Results: Purchase volumes of imatinib and trastuzumab increased progressively. The Ministry of Health was the main buyer. Weighted average prices (WAP) for these medicines showed a downward trend. A WAP reduction for imatinibe occurred before centralized purchases by the Ministry of Health began. After incorporation by CONITEC and centralized purchases in 2012, trastuzumab WAP was reduced by 57%. For L-asparaginase volumes and prices varied among different government agencies, but contrary to the two other medicines, L-asparaginase presented a 117% WAP increase, possibly reflecting stockouts in the international market. Conclusions: The setting of Productive Development Partnerships (PDPs) and centralized purchasing by the Brazilian Ministry of Health suggest a decrease in prices for imatinib and trastuzumab, underlining the government ́s purchasing power. These reductions may contribute to availability of these medicines in the Brazilian Public Health System.
Objective: To analyze the Brazilian federal procurement profile for imatinib mesylate, trastuzumab and L-asparaginase from January 2004 to December 2013. Methods: Information was extracted from the Brazilian Federal Government procurement database and included volume, unit price, date and type of purchase, government agency buyer. Prices were deflated to December 2013 by the Brazilian Pricing Index. Results: Purchase volumes of imatinib and trastuzumab increased progressively. The Ministry of Health was the main buyer. Weighted average prices (WAP) for these medicines showed a downward trend. A WAP reduction for imatinibe occurred before centralized purchases by the Ministry of Health began. After incorporation by CONITEC and centralized purchases in 2012, trastuzumab WAP was reduced by 57%. For L-asparaginase volumes and prices varied among different government agencies, but contrary to the two other medicines, L-asparaginase presented a 117% WAP increase, possibly reflecting stockouts in the international market. Conclusions: The setting of Productive Development Partnerships (PDPs) and centralized purchasing by the Brazilian Ministry of Health suggest a decrease in prices for imatinib and trastuzumab, underlining the government ́s purchasing power. These reductions may contribute to availability of these medicines in the Brazilian Public Health System.
assistência farmacêutica, preço de medicamento, antineoplásicos, compras públicas, parcerias público-privadas, pharmaceutical services, drug price, antineoplastic agents, public procurement, public-private partnerships.
Moraes EL, Osorio-de-Castro CGS, Caetano R. Compras federais de antineoplásicos no Brasil: análise do mesilato de imatinibe, trastuzumabe e L-asparaginase, 2004-2013. Physis: rev. saúde colet. 2016 out;26(4):1357-1382. doi: 10.1590/S0103-73312016000400015.