Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde na saúde suplementar brasileira: revisão de escopo e análise documental
Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde na saúde suplementar brasileira: revisão de escopo e análise documental
Lisbôa, Raquel
Caetano, Rosângela
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Saúde e Debate
A Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde (ATS) respalda políticas públicas na gestão de tecnologias
em diversos países. No Brasil, a institucionalização da ATS se iniciou em 2000, no Ministério da Saúde, e
contou com a participação da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS). Contudo, o sistema público
e a saúde suplementar trilharam diferentes caminhos. Processos distintos de ATS podem gerar retrabalho,
ineficiência e aumentar as inequidades entre o público e o privado. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar
a dualidade entre o público e o privado relativa aos modelos de ATS implantados no País. Realizou-se
uma revisão de escopo da literatura no período de 2000 a 2019 nas bases de dados Medline, Scopus, Web
of Science e Lilacs. Também se realizou análise de documentos da ANS relativos ao processo de ATS
na saúde suplementar. A revisão da literatura constatou a escassez de artigos sobre o tema, enquanto a
análise documental permitiu traçar uma linha do tempo com os principais marcos referentes ao processo
de ATS da Agência. Concluiu-se que a coordenação nacional de um modelo de ATS é desejada, visando
a aumentar a transparência das instituições, a maior credibilidade das suas decisões, maior eficiência do
processo e proporcionar maior equidade.
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) supports public policies on technology management in several countries. In Brazil, the institutionalization of HTA began in 2000 at the Ministry of Health, and had the participation of the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance (ANS). However, the public and the private systems have taken different paths. Different HTA processes can generate rework, inefficiency and increase inequities between the public and the private sectors. The objective of this research was to identify the duality between those two sectors regarding the current models of HTA implemented in the country. A scoping review of the literature was carried out from 2000 to 2019, in the Medline, Scopus, Web of Science and Lilacs databases. ANS documents were also analyzed, relating to the HTA process in private health insurance sector. The literature review found a shortage of articles on the topic, while the document analysis allowed to draw a timeline with the main milestones related to the Agencys HTA process. It was concluded that the national coordination of an HTA model is desired, aiming at increasing the transparency of the institutions, the greater credibility of their decisions, greater efficiency of the process, and providing greater equity.
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) supports public policies on technology management in several countries. In Brazil, the institutionalization of HTA began in 2000 at the Ministry of Health, and had the participation of the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance (ANS). However, the public and the private systems have taken different paths. Different HTA processes can generate rework, inefficiency and increase inequities between the public and the private sectors. The objective of this research was to identify the duality between those two sectors regarding the current models of HTA implemented in the country. A scoping review of the literature was carried out from 2000 to 2019, in the Medline, Scopus, Web of Science and Lilacs databases. ANS documents were also analyzed, relating to the HTA process in private health insurance sector. The literature review found a shortage of articles on the topic, while the document analysis allowed to draw a timeline with the main milestones related to the Agencys HTA process. It was concluded that the national coordination of an HTA model is desired, aiming at increasing the transparency of the institutions, the greater credibility of their decisions, greater efficiency of the process, and providing greater equity.
Avaliação da tecnologia biomédica, Política pública, Saúde suplementar, Sistema Único de Saúde, Technology assessment, biomedical, Public policy, Supplemental health, Unified Health System.
Lisbôa R, Caetano R. Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde na saúde suplementar brasileira: revisão de escopo e análise documental [Health Technology Assessment and private health insurance in Brazil: a scope review and document analysis]. Saúde e Debate. 2020;44(127):1255-12576. doi: doi.org/10.1590/0103-1104202012723.