Guedes, Ana Cristina Carneiro Menezes
Paiva, Carla Cardi Nepomuceno de
Caetano, Rosângela
Santos, Daniela Lacerda
Ribeiro, Gizele da Rocha
Silva, Angélica Baptista
Silva, Rondineli Mendes da
Oliveira, Ayala Gualandi de
Souza, Vanessa de Lima e
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Amplamente Cursos e Formação Continuada
A telessaúde utiliza recursos tecnológicos de informação e de comunicação para facilitar
o acesso à atenção à saúde, reduzindo barreiras relacionadas a distâncias, sobretudo em
áreas rurais, locais de difícil acesso ou com carências assistenciais. No Brasil, teve início
na década de 90 e está em franca consolidação, assumindo caráter estratégico de
otimização do sistema de saúde no cuidado assistencial, no ensino e na pesquisa. Contudo,
não existe uma fonte de informação única, que permita um rápido e pleno conhecimento
do quantitativo e características dos Núcleos de Telessaúde (NT) existentes. O estudo
objetivou mapear a distribuição dos Núcleos de Telessaúde no Brasil e caracterizar as
modalidades de serviços ofertados, utilizando informações disponíveis nos sites
governamentais e nas páginas dos núcleos estaduais de telessaúde. Método: O
quantitativo e a distribuição geográfica dos Núcleos de Telessaúde foram realizados a
partir de levantamento nos sítios governamentais do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde, da Rede Universitária de Telemedicina e da Secretaria de
Atenção Primária à Saúde do Ministério da Saúde realizado em março/2018. Resultados:
Foram identificados 243 núcleos, 83 dos quais integrantes do Programa Nacional
Telessaúde Brasil Redes. As regiões Sudeste e Norte concentram 68,3% dos NT,
enquanto os pontos de telessaúde associados predominam no Norte e no Sul (67,5%).
Teleconsultoria e segunda opinião formativa eram as principais modalidades ofertadas
por, respectivamente, 107 e 61 NT. Conclusão: Espera-se que o estudo fomente a
discussão sobre a complexidade dos contextos e seus reflexos no âmbito da gestão,
planejamento e avaliação das ações de telessaúde.
Telehealth uses technological information and communication resources to facilitate access to health care, reducing barriers related to distances, especially in rural areas, places that are difficult to access or in need of assistance. In Brazil, it started in the 90's and is in full consolidation, assuming a strategic character of optimization of the health system in care, teaching and research. However, there is no single source of information, which allows a quick and full knowledge of the quantity and characteristics of the existing Telehealth Centers (NT). The study aimed to map the distribution of Telehealth Centers in Brazil and to characterize the types of services offered, using information available on government websites and on the pages of state telehealth centers. Method: The quantitative and geographic distribution of the Telehealth Centers were carried out based on a survey carried out on the government websites of the National Registry of Health Establishments, the University Telemedicine Network and the Secretariat of Primary Health Care of the Ministry of Health held in March / 2018. Results: 243 centers were identified, 83 of which were members of the National Telehealth Brazil Networks Program. The Southeast and North regions concentrate 68.3% of the NT, while the associated telehealth points predominate in the North and the South (67.5%). Teleconsulting and second training opinion were the main modalities offered by, respectively, 107 and 61 NT. Conclusion: The study is expected to foster a discussion on the complexity of contexts and their reflexes in the scope of management, planning and evaluation of telehealth actions.
Telehealth uses technological information and communication resources to facilitate access to health care, reducing barriers related to distances, especially in rural areas, places that are difficult to access or in need of assistance. In Brazil, it started in the 90's and is in full consolidation, assuming a strategic character of optimization of the health system in care, teaching and research. However, there is no single source of information, which allows a quick and full knowledge of the quantity and characteristics of the existing Telehealth Centers (NT). The study aimed to map the distribution of Telehealth Centers in Brazil and to characterize the types of services offered, using information available on government websites and on the pages of state telehealth centers. Method: The quantitative and geographic distribution of the Telehealth Centers were carried out based on a survey carried out on the government websites of the National Registry of Health Establishments, the University Telemedicine Network and the Secretariat of Primary Health Care of the Ministry of Health held in March / 2018. Results: 243 centers were identified, 83 of which were members of the National Telehealth Brazil Networks Program. The Southeast and North regions concentrate 68.3% of the NT, while the associated telehealth points predominate in the North and the South (67.5%). Teleconsulting and second training opinion were the main modalities offered by, respectively, 107 and 61 NT. Conclusion: The study is expected to foster a discussion on the complexity of contexts and their reflexes in the scope of management, planning and evaluation of telehealth actions.
Telemedicina, Assistência à saúde, Serviços de Saúde/provisão, distribuição, Telemedicine, Telehealth, Health care, Health Services/Supply, Distribution
Guedes ACCM, Paiva CCN, Caetano R, Santos DL, Ribeiro GR, Silva AB, Silva RM, Oliveira IAG, Souza VL. MAPEAMENTO DOS NÚCLEOS DE TELESSAÚDE: UMA ANÁLISE DE SUADISTRIBUIÇÃO NO CONTEXTO NACIONAL. In: Freitas DLR, Paiva LLG, Fernandes CRF. AMPLAMENTE: DESAFIOS EM SAÚDE. Natal, RN: Amplamente Cursos e Formação Continuada; 2021. p.129-42. doi: 10.47538/AC-2021.02-11.