Tradução e adaptação transcultural para o português brasileiro dos questionários BRIEF e Chew Items
Tradução e adaptação transcultural para o português brasileiro dos questionários BRIEF e Chew Items
Carvalho, Lucas Araujo de
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Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia
Introdução: O letramento em saúde é avaliado por instrumentos, porém muitos são de longa duração e em língua inglesa, dificultando seu uso na rotina clínica. Contudo, há instrumentos curtos que ainda não foram traduzidos. Objetivos: Realizar tradução e adaptação transcultural (ATC) do instrumento Brief Health Literacy Screening Tool (BRIEF) e Health Literay Screening Tool(Chew Items). Materiais e Métodos: O estudo foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética (CAAE66701323.80000.5272). Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em um hospital quaternário no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. O processo de ATC seguiu as etapas do método de Guillemin e Beaton: Tradução, Síntese, Retrotradução, Avaliação do Comitê de Especialistas e Pré-teste. O pré-teste foi avaliado por escala dicotômica para simples compreensão com valor mínimo de 90% de aprovação para cada item. A avalição das propriedades psicométricas foi utilizada os testes Kaiser-Meyer-Olklin (KMO) para avaliar a adequação da amostra, o teste de esfericidade de Bartltet(BTS) para correlação das variáveis e a confiabilidade por alfa Cronbach. Resultados: Foram analisados 40 indivíduos, sendo 22 mulheres e 18 homens. Todos os itens do instrumento obtiveram resultado de simples compreensão superiores a 90%. A adequação da amostra foi adequada (KMO =0,776) para BRIEF e (KMO=0,585) para o Chew Items, a correlação dos itens foi satisfatória para ambos os questionários (p<0,01) e a confiabilidade (α=0,806) para BRIEF e (α=0,638) para o Chew Items. Conclusão: A amostra e os resultados estão condizentes com valores descritos na literatura e no método proposto. Dessa maneira os questionários BRIEF e Chew Items estão aptos para uso no Brasil.
Palavras-Chave: Letramento em Saúde, Doenças Cardiovasculares, Educação em Saúde.
Introduction: Health literacy is assessed by instruments, but many are long-term and in English, making their use in clinical routine difficult. However, there are short instruments that have not yet been translated. Objectives: To carry out translation and cross-cultural adaptation (CTA) of the Brief Health Literacy Screening Tool (BRIEF) and Health Literacy Screening Tool (Chew Items). Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the ethics committee (CAAE66701323.80000.5272). This is a cross-sectional study, carried out in a quaternary hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The cross-cultural adaptation process followed the steps of the Guillemin and Beaton method: Translation, Synthesis, Back-translation, Evaluation by the Expert Committee and Pre-test. The pre-test was evaluated by a dichotomous scale for simple comprehension with a minimum value of 90% approval for each item. The psychometric properties were assessed using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olklin (KMO) test to assess sample adequacy, the Bartlett sphericity test (BTS) to correlate variables, and reliability using Cronbach's alpha. Results: Forty individuals were analyzed, 22 women and 18 men. All items of the instrument obtained a simple comprehension result above 90%. The sample adequacy was adequate (KMO = 0.776) for BRIEF and (KMO = 0.585) for Chew Items, the item correlation was satisfactory for both questionnaires (p < 0.01) and the reliability (α = 0.806) for BRIEF and (α = 0.638) for Chew Items. Conclusion: The sample and results are consistent with values described in the literature and the proposed method. Thus, the BRIEF and Chew Items questionnaires are suitable for use in Brazil. Keywords: Health Literacy, Cardiovascular Diseases, Health Education.
Introduction: Health literacy is assessed by instruments, but many are long-term and in English, making their use in clinical routine difficult. However, there are short instruments that have not yet been translated. Objectives: To carry out translation and cross-cultural adaptation (CTA) of the Brief Health Literacy Screening Tool (BRIEF) and Health Literacy Screening Tool (Chew Items). Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the ethics committee (CAAE66701323.80000.5272). This is a cross-sectional study, carried out in a quaternary hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The cross-cultural adaptation process followed the steps of the Guillemin and Beaton method: Translation, Synthesis, Back-translation, Evaluation by the Expert Committee and Pre-test. The pre-test was evaluated by a dichotomous scale for simple comprehension with a minimum value of 90% approval for each item. The psychometric properties were assessed using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olklin (KMO) test to assess sample adequacy, the Bartlett sphericity test (BTS) to correlate variables, and reliability using Cronbach's alpha. Results: Forty individuals were analyzed, 22 women and 18 men. All items of the instrument obtained a simple comprehension result above 90%. The sample adequacy was adequate (KMO = 0.776) for BRIEF and (KMO = 0.585) for Chew Items, the item correlation was satisfactory for both questionnaires (p < 0.01) and the reliability (α = 0.806) for BRIEF and (α = 0.638) for Chew Items. Conclusion: The sample and results are consistent with values described in the literature and the proposed method. Thus, the BRIEF and Chew Items questionnaires are suitable for use in Brazil. Keywords: Health Literacy, Cardiovascular Diseases, Health Education.
Letramento em Saúde, Doenças Cardiovasculares, Educação em Saúde, Health Literacy, Cardiovascular Diseases, Health Education
Carvalho LA. Tradução e adaptação transcultural para o português brasileiro dos questionários BRIEF e Chew Items. Rio de Janeiro. dissertação [Mestrado Profiossional em Ciências CArdiovasculares] Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia - INC; 2024.